Archi Crush: How I find the places for photoshoots - the podcast!

In the new issue of L'Œil Fauve, we had the chance to take the photos in a breathtaking place: the Château Laurens in Agde. Getting permission to do our shoot there was like a quest for me. And then I had the idea to tell you how it goes to find remarkable places for photo shoots.

A shoot is above all the story of a collection

Each shoot is an opportunity to tell you about a collection, to put images on what drives me in my creative process. It's teamwork, and it's above all an exercise that I have to repeat for each collection, each new shoot. Taking photos of a large collection like La Piscine, where we present our patterns and our fabrics, is not the same as the photos we took for the Carnet de Voyage collection. Being alone or with several to model does not require the same stewardship. And above all, shooting outdoors requires a different organisation than in a large museum.

A couture podcast episode like no other

In this new podcast episode, I will therefore move away from the presentations that I usually make to you, to open the doors to behind the scenes of photo shoots: the highlights, the failures, the surprises. Allowing yourself to dream bigger is important, because sometimes, by dint of stubbornness, the dream comes true!

I can't wait to hear your feedback on this new episode, and especially to know for you what has been the most Fauve shoot of recent years: don't hesitate to leave me a message in the comments on the YouTube video.

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