SIERRA top open back tuto
Hello! I'm a bit quiet after all the activity related to the launch of the new collection. After the competition I had to work on the Panama pattern to give you a pattern with new options. I hope you will like my Panama 2.0 and that it will inspire you to make many more beautiful sewings :) I am finalizing the baby, I hope it will be ready in 10 days. This experience with this PDF pattern and all your feedback has made me realise that there is a lot of expectation for this format. I'm happy because Panama has gone around the world, and I've received requests for other patterns to be made available in PDF. It's a bit of a complicated decision, I'll explain it all soon, but I've decided to enrich the PDF pattern offer with patterns from the pocket collections. Putting together all the patterns in these new formats (A0 A4 and US letter) takes time so I'm being more discreet. And then I told you about the competition I took part in with the BGE in November, I was one of the challengers who won an accompaniment and coaching to help me grow Maison Fauve. The final competition with an oral presentation and a dossier to hand in is coming soon. There is a grant at stake, but above all I will feel more legitimate as a creator and entrepreneur. So I'm working and stressing, but it's to go further ;) So to wait, and because she is one of your favourites from the Sew me Pampa collection, I am offering you today a first tutorial on the SIERRA pattern. The pattern is available as a dress and a top, with an open back and a closed back version. This first step by step tutorial is about the open back top version. There will soon be a second tutorial with the dress and closed back version, so that you have all the detailed options. The top was sewn in a very pretty AnnaKa Bazaar printed viscose. The fabric has worked a lot on the bias when interfacing the back, so I recommend you to be careful and test your fabric if needed. Let's go to the tuto:
- Join the back pieces and the front piece by the shoulders right sides together. Finish the seams. Join your bust by the sides with right sides together and finish the seams.

- Heat seal your pieces if necessary. Assemble the front and back facings by the shoulders right sides together and finish the seams. Finish the outline of your piece.

- The waistband: Join the back waistband pieces to the front waistband piece from the sides, right sides together. Press the seams open. Fold your waistband right sides together along the fold line and stitch all the way around, stopping your seam between the B marks to create an opening.

- Sleeves: close your sleeve lengthwise, overcast the seam. Assemble your sleeve on the armhole, relying on the reference notches.

- The wrist: Fold your wrist piece right sides together and join edge to edge. Form the cuff bracelet by folding according to the mark, wrong sides together. Press the bottom of your sleeve and join with your cuff (unclosed portion of the cuff edge to edge with the bottom of the sleeve). Finish and turn your cuff inside out.